Successful Aging: Exploring the possibilities of life after retirement
Dear Readers, This is the seventh year I have had the pleasure of participating in a special conversation with eight men and eight women...
Successful Aging: Money not the only reason some choose work over retirement
Q. I have stated dating a woman who is 71 years old, just a year older than me. Having been retired for the past five years, I am looking...
Successful Aging: Finding fresh ways to describe a life stage that’s new to everyone
Q: I am a 65-year old male baby boomer who is healthy and active. I just cannot identify with getting “old,” and don’t ever think of...
Successful Aging: What you need to know about age discrimination, Part 2
Dear readers, As noted last week, this year is the 50th anniversary of the 1967 Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA). AARP and...
Retirement is just a new opportunity
Last week, L.S., who loved her work and achieved national recognition is struggling with the loss of identity in her retirement. Teaching...
Successful Aging: Do men and women seek same gender role models?
Last we week we discussed a conversation between a group of highly effective men and women focusing on retirement and transitions. The...